You can optionally specify a SNMPv1 trap source, which is the IP address as a source of origin in SystemEDGE trap protocol description units (PDUs). By default, SystemEDGE uses the value returned by the gethostbyname function call. Specify the trap_source parameter to override the default behavior. This parameter applies to both SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c/SNMPv3 traps.
The agent has only one trap source value, so you set this value only once in All traps in all communities take the specified address. The address you specify must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name, but the SystemEDGE agent does not perform error checking to determine whether you have specified a valid address for the specific system you are using as the trap source.
To specify a trap source, add a line to the file as follows:
trap_source <address>
Specifies the source address to use when sending traps. You can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a host name.
Default: hostname
For example, to set the trap source to a system with an IP address of and a host name of, you can enter either of the following:
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