SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c use communities for transmitting messages between systems. A community is a relationship between an agent and a number of management systems that defines authentication and access control permissions for distributed communication. A community is identified by a community name, which is a string of octets that appears in the header portion of every SNMP message.
The agent checks the community name in an SNMP message header to determine if the message is authentic, and then processes the message. If the community name does not match a name accepted by the agent, the agent records an authentication failure and drops the message.
The SystemEDGE agent is installed with only one community defined by default, named public. This community provides read-only access to the agent's MIB object values for any manager system. Before you can modify MIB values, you must configure a read-write community string during or after installation. You can add an IP address list to a community definition to limit access to specific systems.
Note: For more information about configuring SNMP communities, see the chapter "Agent Configuration."
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