You can schedule actions to run at predefined times. For example, you can use the default Windows scheduler to schedule actions that must be performed every day, or actions that are performed periodically, such as maintenance tasks.
Follow these steps:
The Scheduled Actions page appears.
Defines a name for the scheduled action.
Specifies whether to generate an event before the scheduled action runs. The event appears in the dashboard.
Specifies whether to generate an event after the scheduled action runs. The event appears in the dashboard.
Specifies how often the scheduled action runs: once, daily, weekly, monthly (day), or monthly (day of week).
Defines a date on which to start the scheduled action.
Defines a time of day to run the scheduled action.
Note: You do not need to enter seconds because they are not used for scheduling jobs.
Specifies the action type used for the action you are scheduling.
Note: The scheduler does not support an action that contains substitution parameters (the only exceptions are %AutoIncrement(0)% and %AutoDecrement(0)%). You can run the actions that contain substitution parameters only through Policy rule evaluation.
Lists the actions that have already been created for each action type.
Note: The list does not include actions that specify a help desk approval requirement.
A message confirms that your action is scheduled. The scheduled action appears in the list of Scheduled Jobs in the Scheduled Actions list.
Note: Actions that specify a help desk approval requirement cannot be used for action scheduling. If you need the same action for a scheduled action, create a second action that does not include the help desk approval requirement.
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