The following parameters are identical for rmonwatch add, del, getTable, and getVersion commands. These parameters are only required if you are using SNMP version 2c or 3 or if you are using a non-default time-out and retries.
(Optional) Specifies the SNMP version. Possible values are:
Default: 1
(Optional) Specifies the name of the SNMPv3 secure user.
(Optional) Specifies the level of security for SNMPv3. Possible values are (no default):
1 = noAuthNoPriv
2 = AuthNoPriv
3 = AuthPriv
(Optional) Specifies the instance name for a MIBMuxed agent (no default).
(Optional) Identifies the authentication password required when SNMPv3 is selected with security AuthNoPriv or AuthPriv (no default).
(Optional) Specifies the authentication protocol. Possible values are:
MD5 = authentication protocol HMAC-MD5
SHA = authentication protocol HMAC-SHA
Default: MD5
(Optional) Specifies the privacy (encryption) password for SNMPv3 with security level 3 (AuthPriv).
(Optional) Specifies the use of encryption protocol for privacy (no default). Possible values are:
DES – Data Encryption Standard
AES – Advanced Encryption Standard using cryptographic keys of 128 bits (AES128)
(Optional) Specifies the FIPS mode. Possible values are:
0 = non-FIPS
1 = FIPS coexistence
2 = FIPS only
Default: 0
(Optional) Specifies the SNMP set and get command timeout in seconds.
Default: 5
(Optional) Specifies the SNMP timeout for the walktree command.
Default: 30
(Optional) Specifies the number of times to retry the SNMP command.
Default: 3
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