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Resubmit a Deployment Job

You can resubmit a failed or partially failed deployment job.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Resources, Deploy.

    The Deployment pane displays the Packages, Templates, and Jobs.

  2. Click the Jobs folder.

    The Job Status page appears.

  3. Click the job that you want to resubmit.

    The Job Information page appears.

  4. Click Actions and select Resubmit.

    The Deployment wizard appears at the Package Selection screen.

  5. Select the package wrappers to be deployed as desired and click Next.

    The Machines Selected page appears.

    (Optional) Delete the machines that you do not want to deploy to.

    Note: The machines where all packages were previously successfully deployed are not selected.

    Click Set Credentials, modify the credentials for all selected machines as required, optionally remove machines from the restarted job, then click Next.

    The Advanced page appears.

  6. (Optional) Modify the Scheduling options for the job.
    Immediate Delivery

    Starts the job immediately after creating new deployment job. The immediate delivery is the default option.

    Staggered Delivery

    Delivers the packages over a specific time period.

    Scheduled Delivery

    Schedules the deployment for a specific time in the future.

  7. Select Redeploy previously deployed packages to force all packages, including packages previously successfully deployed to be deployed, and click Next.

    The Summary page appears.

  8. Review the details of the job and click Deploy.

    The job is resubmitted.