A limit specifies the maximum value for CPU or memory allocation for a virtual machine, resource pool, or vApp. A server can allocate more than the reservation to a virtual machine, but never more than the limit. Unutilized CPU or memory on the system is not allocated beyond the limit. The limit is defined in megahertz or megabytes.
CPU and memory limit defaults are set to unlimited. When the memory limit is set to unlimited, vSphere effectively determines the amount of memory when it creates a virtual machine. Usually, it is not necessary to specify a limit.
Note: To set the SSRM memory allocation to unlimited configure the resource pool property “Allow memory over commitment” to a very high value for example, 999 (days). This indirectly sets the SSRM memory allocation to unlimited, and passes through to VMware to determine available memory based on the physical limits of the underlying resources(ESX server or cluster).
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