This section lists required access permissions to install and monitor your environments and the required communication ports. Verify that the listed communication ports are open.
Requires Windows System Administrator privileges on the AIM host.
Requires credentials with access to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
Windows RPC Endpoint Mapper Port: 135
DCOM/WMI Port: dynamically assigned during RPC Endpoint negotiation
For more information, see The default dynamic port range for TCP/IP.
As a best practice the Remote Monitoring systems must be a member of an AD Domain. This membership lets you use a domain account and avoids the need to define local user accounts on each RM System. Create a CARMuser domain account that is a member of the Domain Admins group of the AD Domain.
When user credential settings are prompted for during RM installation, provide the domain account with the password. For any system member of this domain, no additional configuration is required.
Note: If necessary, you can restrict the CARMuser access rights so the user is not a member of the Domain Admins group. In this case, configure WMI Namespace access and DCOM access. For more information about defining WMI Namespace access and DCOM access, see the Microsoft website.
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