CA Virtual Assurance provides end-to-end management of SystemEDGE from a centralized location through file-based configuration and deployment. File-based configuration does the following:
The CA Virtual Assurance manager provides installation packages for SystemEDGE for each supported platform. The deployment solution lets you specify credentials and installation parameters, and when you have specified all required information, you can save the deployment package and deploy it to managed systems in your enterprise.
From the CA Virtual Assurance user interface, you can set all agent configuration parameters in the file and create self-monitoring entries using a graphical representation of the monitor tables. You can save an agent configuration as a profile and apply that profile to a deployment package for deployment to managed systems. You can also make point configuration changes to installed agents and apply those changes instantly.
When you deploy a configuration change, CA Virtual Assurance compiles the file using the template directives in the file to apply the information you entered in the CA Virtual Assurance user interface for configuration and self monitoring. It sends the compiled file to the specified systems using CAM (CA Messaging) as the transport mechanism. CAM sends the file to the data directory specified during installation. The SystemEDGE agent listens for CAM messages containing configuration files, and when a file is detected, the agent checks the file for correct syntax and then automatically loads and uses the file. Configuring the agent through CA Virtual Assurance triggers an agent warm start, so that you can make changes to the agent that it can apply automatically without requiring a restart.
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