The SystemEDGE agent sends the following traps when monitoring entries in the Process Monitor table that contain a severity greater than none(1):
The agent sends this trap to indicate that the state of a process monitor has changed. The agent only sends this trap when a threshold condition breach changes the state of a process monitor. For example, if a monitor with a severity of critical is breached, but the aggregate monitor's current state is fatal (which signifies that a separate monitor for the same attribute with a severity of fatal has breached its threshold), the agent does not send a trap because the aggregate state is not affected.
Note: For more information about monitor aggregation and other aggregation traps, see State Management Model.
The SystemEDGE agent sends the following traps when monitoring entries in the Process Monitor table that have a severity of none (legacy monitors):
The agent sends this trap when a monitored process attribute's threshold condition has been breached.
The agent sends this trap when a monitored process has stopped or is in a state where it cannot run.
The agent sends this trap to indicate that a stopped monitored process has restarted.
The agent sends this trap to indicate that a threshold breach that previously existed and caused a trap generation no longer exists.
The agent sends this trap when the row status of a Process Monitor table entry is set to notReady(3). A notReady row status may indicate that the process or attribute is unreachable.
The traps for legacy monitors are not sent if you define a severity in the entry. For more information about legacy monitors and using the agent in legacy mode, see Legacy Monitors.
For more information about these and other traps, see the appendix "Private Enterprise Traps."
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