The following list defines the columns of the Self Monitor table. For a complete description of the Self Monitor table and its fields, see the empire.asn1 file, which is located in the mib subdirectory of the agent installation.
Defines the unique row index for this entry (11 to MAXINT). Rows 1 through 10 are reserved for the agent's internal use.
Permissions: Read-only
Defines a description (0 through 512 characters in length) of the object being monitored.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: :Default Entry:
Defines how often in seconds the agent polls (monitors) the variable. The value must be a minimum of 30 and a multiple of 30 seconds.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: 60
Defines whether the agent samples the object's absolute value (absoluteValue(1)) or takes the difference between successive samples (deltaValue(2)). For example, use deltaValue to monitor counter variables, because it describes the rate of change. Use absoluteValue to monitor gauges, because it describes the exact value of the object.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: absoluteValue(1)
Defines the complete object identifier that represents the monitored MIB object. The instance portion of the object-identifier (for example, .0 for scalars) is required. The object-instance must exist and must be contained within the SystemEDGE agent supported MIBs. Objects should be of integer type (including counter, gauge, timeticks).
Permissions: Read-write
Specifies the value that was sampled last for the MIB variable being monitored. Every monInterval seconds, the agent updates this field to reflect the latest value of the variable.
Permissions: Read-only
Defines the Boolean operator that is used to evaluate the expression currval operator value. The operator can have one of the following values:
Permissions: Read-write
Default: nop(1)
Defines the integer value to which the agent compares using monOperator the current value of the monitored MIB variable during each monitoring cycle. If the comparison evaluates to true, the agent either changes the monitor state (for self monitors with a severity other than none) or the agent sends a threshold breach trap (for self monitors with a severity of none).
For example, to be notified when the value of a gauge exceeds 100, set 100 as the monValue.
Permissions: Read-write
Defines the time (based on sysUpTime) at which the agent last sampled the MIB variable that it is monitoring. 0 indicates that the MIB variable has not yet been sampled.
Permissions: Read-only
Defines the number of traps that the agent has sent for this entry. This value tracks the monitorTrap, which the agent sends when a threshold breach occurs in a self monitor with a severity of none (legacy monitor). This value is useful for determining the frequency at which the exception condition is occurring for legacy monitors. It also provides a means to detect a missed trap message.
Permissions: Read-only
Note: For information about the number of state change traps that are sent for a stateful self monitor managed object, see the Aggregate State table.
Defines the time (based on sysUpTime) at which the agent last sent a trap for this entry. This value tracks the monitorTrap, which the agent sends when a threshold breach occurs in a self monitor with a severity of none.
Permissions: Read-only
Note: For information about the last state change trap that is sent for a stateful self monitor's managed object, see the Aggregate State table.
Defines the row status, which can be one of the following:
Typically, a row is either active or notInService. These values are identical in meaning to those defined by the SNMPv2 SMI RowStatus textual convention.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: createAndWait(5)
Defines the lowest (minimum) value that the agent has observed since it began polling the MIB variable.
Permissions: Read-only
Specifies the highest (maximum) value that the agent has observed since it began polling the MIB variable.
Permissions: Read-only
Defines a quoted command (0 to 2048 characters in length) with any parameters to run when the expression evaluates to True and the agent sends a threshold breach trap (legacy monitors) or state change trap (stateful monitors). For stateful self monitors, the command does not run if a threshold breach does not result in an object state change. If the string is empty, the agent performs no action for this entry.
Note: Do not use Windows batch files for actions; they impose severe programmatic limitations and often do not work correctly with desktop applications. Instead, use a more powerful and flexible scripting language, such as Perl or Visual Basic.
Permissions: Read-write
Defines the integer flags that indicate additional behavioral semantics that the entry follows during the course of its operation. For more information about available flags and setting flags, see Monitor Table Flags.
Permissions: Read-write
Specifies the index of the monitor that supersedes this entry. A superseding monitor is evaluated before this table entry, and if the superseding monitor's threshold is crossed, this entry will no more be evaluated. With such a sequence of correlated monitors, useless sequences of traps can be omitted. A value of zero (0) indicates that no monitor entry correlation is done.
Note: The usage of the object state model obsoletes (and disables) this functionality.
Permissions: Read-write
Defines the object class of the monitored MIB object for use with the object state management model. The agent uses the sysedge.oid file to assign a default value. A class name can be used to specify a monitored object table. If SystemEDGE does not determine an existing table with the specified name, SystemEDGE creates a class. The class specifies the monitoring object identifier (SNMP OID) and can be referenced for aggregation purposes.
Important! The newly created reference is valid only if the monitoring entry resolves to an existing SNMP OID.
Defines the object instance of the monitored MIB object for use with the object state management model. If a value is not configured and the agent cannot determine a default, the value is 'unknown'. The default for a nontabular object is 'null'. For seamless monitoring of remote objects, instance names start with a prefix //hostname/.
For local objects, the agent adds the prefix //./ to each instance name (including 'null'). This attribute cannot be set to an empty string or to '*'. Any such requests are ignored. If the instance name cannot be matched at the time of parsing to a corresponding instance, SystemEDGE creates a reference to this monitoring entry's OID with the specified instance name.
Important! The newly created reference is valid only if the monitoring entry resolves to an existing SNMP OID.
Defines the object instance of the monitored MIB object for use with the object state management model. The agent uses the sysedge.oid file to assign a default value for objects that corresponds to the MIB attribute name. If the attribute name is not known during parsing of the monitoring entry, SystemEDGE creates an attribute with the specified name.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: ASCII MIB attribute name of the monitored OID
Important! The newly created reference is valid only if the monitoring entry resolves to an existing SNMP OID.
Defines the severity to use for the object state management model. This value defines the state to assign to the entry when a threshold breach occurs. Valid values are as follows:
A value of none creates a legacy monitor, which excludes the entry from the object state management model.
Permissions: Read-write
Default: none
Defines the current derived state of the entry, evaluated using the severity and the current breach condition and respecting any lag value defined in the monFlags property. Valid values are as follows:
The up and down values only appear for legacy monitors (with a severity of none). A state change in this column results in a state change trap only if the state is the worst of all monitors for the corresponding managed object in the Aggregate State table.
Permissions: Read-only
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