The SystemEDGE agent can sample attributes values (metrics) from any supported MIB, and you can use the collected samples for baselining and trend analysis of your system. The samples populate the History Table, and you can optionally have the samples written into a cube file.
To configure history collection, you create entries in the History Control table of the Systems Management Empire MIB. Configuring history collection lets you analyze metrics over-time without having to constantly poll a manager. Data written to cube files is available for analysis by CA Virtual Assurance Systems Performance.
When you create an entry in the History Control table, you set the polling interval, the MIB attribute to collect, and how many samples to save. SystemEDGE collects the data as configured, and a manager can periodically retrieve the history for a view of an attribute over a specific interval.
For example, you can configure the agent to collect CPU MIB attributes from the CPU Statistics table of the Systems Management Empire MIB every 10 minutes and save the last 288 samples. You can then configure a management system to upload the data every 48 hours to obtain all collected data for analysis.
For more information about configuring history collection, see the chapter “History Collection."
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