The dpmssh run command allows remote login and execution of shell commands or scripts on a target Linux or UNIX system using Secure Socket Shell (SSH) for secure communication.
This command has the following format:
dpmssh run -cmdline commandline -target_host targethostname -target_user targetusername -target_password targetpassword [-pre] [-post]
Defines the shell command or path where the script file that you want to run is located.
Defines the name of the target Linux or UNIX host server.
Defines the user name for the target Linux or UNIX host server.
Specifies the user password for the target Linux or UNIX host server.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.
Example: Run a Shell Command and Create Events
This example runs the ls command against the /tmp directory.
dpmssh run -cmdline "ls /tmp" -target_host linuxserver -target_user myusername -target_password pswd -pre -post
Example: Run a Remote Script
This example runs the script named MyScript.
dpmssh run -cmdline "/tmp/" -target_host unixbox -target_user root -target_password pass1
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