The dpmlpar setresources command adjusts memory units for IBM AIX LPARs.
This command has the following format:
dpmlpar setresources [-sc sc_url] -hmc name -managed_system managedsystemname -partition_name partitionname -type {dynamic|all|profile} -min_mem size -desired_mem size -max_mem size
(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.
Example: https://hostname:port/...
Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.
Defines the listening port for the service controller server.
Example: 80
Specifies the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) that controls the managed systems where the logical partition resides.
Specifies the managed system on which the logical partition resides. The managed system must exist on the HMC/IVM.
Specifies the logical partition to which the resources are going to be applied. The partition must exist on the managed system.
Specifies whether the adjustment is temporary or permanent. Options include the following:
Adjusts the current resources only and the adjusted values are lost when you shut down the partition.
Adjusts the current resources and the profile value. The adjusted values are saved for the partition.
Adjusts the profile value.
Defines the minimum amount of memory for the partition.
Defines the desired amount of memory for the partition.
Defines the maximum amount of memory for the partition.
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