Use the dpmimg image command to deploy a Solaris image from a JumpStart server to a Solaris client, to image a Solaris client using a JumpStart boot server that is different from the JumpStart installation server, or to image Solaris 10 x86 clients.
This command has the following format:
dpmimg image [-sc sc_url] -target_host targethostname -target_mac macaddress [-itcm_server itcm domain manager] -auto_deploy {Yes|No} [-deploy_template templatename] -target_username username [-target_password password] [-auth_file authorizationfile] [-auth_comp componentID] -img_host imagehostname -img_name imagename -img_location location [-boot_img_name bootimagename] [-boot_img_location bootimagelocation] [-boot_img_host bootimagehost] [-servproc_hostname serviceprochostname] [-servproc_user serviceprocusername] [-servproc_pw serviceprocpassword] -dhcp_hostname dhcphostname [-itcm_server SD_adapter_server] [-scalability_server scalabilityservername] [-wait [timeout]] [-pre] [-post] [[-ws_user <value> -ws_password <value>]|[-prompt <yes|no>]][-locale iso639value]
(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.
Example: https://hostname:port/...
Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.
Defines the listening port for the service controller server.
Example: 80
Defines the name of the target host server to which you are deploying the image.
Defines the hardware address of the computer to which you are deploying the image.
(Optional) Defines the name of the [assign itcm product name for the adsm variable] Domain Manager where the software delivery adapter resides. Optional when only one Software Delivery adapter or [assign itcm product name for the adsm variable] domain manager is configured.
Note: Valid for CA Server Automation only.
Specifies whether CA Virtual Assurance agents are deployed automatically. Options include the following:
Deploys CA Virtual Assurance agents automatically.
Prevents CA Virtual Assurance agents from being deployed automatically.
Default: no
(Optional) Specifies the name of the generic template created in CA Virtual Assurance.
Note: Do not confuse this template with the templates created and managed by VMware vCenter.
Defines the user name used for deploying agents to the target host server to which you are deploying the image.
(Optional) Defines the user password used for deploying agents to the target host server to which you are deploying the image. If you do not specify the password, it is retrieved from the authorization file.
Note: Use the dpmutil CLI to set up the authorization file.
(Optional) Specifies the full path name of the authorization file to use to retrieve the encrypted password. This file contains the CA Virtual Assurance administrator credentials that were generated using the dpmutil set auth command. When this option is not specified, the default authorization file is used.
(Optional) Specifies a component ID that you can use to group hosts and users.
Defines the name of the image to deploy.
Defines the location of the image to deploy.
(Optional) Defines the name of the boot image that you want to deploy.
(Optional) Defines the location of the image that you want to deploy.
(Optional) Defines the name of the server where the boot image is located.
(Optional) Defines the host name (Solaris 10 x86 type) of the service processor.
(Optional) Defines the user name (Solaris 10 x86 type) of the user connecting to the service processor.
(Optional) Defines the password of the user (Solaris 10 x86 type) connecting to the service processor.
Defines the host name (Solaris 10 x86 type) that is used to connect to the DHCP server.
(Optional) Specifies the [assign itcm product name for the adsm variable] scalability server for software distribution.
(Optional) Indicates whether to display the status of the job and not return until the operation completes, fails, or the timeout period is met (if you specify a timeout value). If you do not specify this option, the CLI returns without waiting for completion. If there is no response, the optional timeout value defines the timeout period in minutes. If you enter the wait option with no timeout value, the CLI uses the default wait time from the caimgconf.cfg file or defaults to 120 minutes. In addition to any positive integer, the following timeout values are also possible:
No timeout value.
Wait indefinitely.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.
(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.
(Optional) Specifies the web service user name to connect to the Imaging Service module.
(Optional) Specifies the password for the web service user to connect to the Imaging Service module.
(Optional) Specifies whether you are prompted for the web service user ID and password.
Default: Yes
(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".
Example: Deploy an Image to a Solaris Client Computer
This example deploys a Solaris image from a JumpStart server to a Solaris client computer and does not wait for image deployment to complete.
dpmimg image -imghost sunserver001 -img_name jump_5.10 -auto_deploy Yes -target_host sunserver002 -target_username rootuser -target_password rootuserpassword -target_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 -img_location /export/jump_5.10
Example: Deploy an Image to a Solaris 10 x86 Client Computer
This example deploys a Solaris image from a JumpStart server to a Solaris 10 x86 client computer.
dpmimg image -target_host sunserver001 -target_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 -auto_deploy no -target_username root -target_password rootuserpassword -img_host sunimageserver001 -img_name sol_10_508_x86 -img_location /jsimages/SunImageServer/sol_10_508_x86 -servproc_hostname sunserver002 -servproc_user root -servproc_pw rootuserpassword -dhcp_hostname sunimageserver002 -boot_img_host sunimageserver001 -boot_img_name sol_10_508_x86_bt -boot_img_location /jsboot/SunImageserver/sol_10_508_x86_bt -wait 120 -pre -post
Example: Use Multiple JumpStart Servers to Deploy a Solaris Image to a Solaris Server
This example uses multiple JumpStart servers to deploy a Solaris image to a Solaris server sunserver002. The install OS image is located on sunserver003 and the boot image is located on the boot server sunserver004. The command waits 2 hours for the image to deploy and then runs.
dpmimg image -target_host sunserver002 -target_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 -auto_deploy yes -target_username root -target_password rootuserpassword -img_host sunserver003 -img_name sol_10_sparc -img_location /jsimages/sol_10_sparc -boot_img_host sunserver004 -boot_img_name sol_10_sparc_boot -boot_img_location /jsboot/sol_10_sparc_boot -wait 120 -pre -post
Example: Use Multiple JumpStart Servers to Deploy a Solaris 10 x86 Image to a Solaris 10 x86 Server
This example uses multiple JumpStart servers to deploy a Solaris 10 x86 image to a Solaris 10 x86 server sunserver002. The installation OS image is located on sunserver002 and the boot image is located on the boot server sunserver003. It connects to the service processor server sunserver004 and the DHCP server dhcpserver001.
dpmimg image -target_host sunserver002m -target_mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 -auto_deploy no -target_username root -target_password rootuserpassword -img_host sunserver002 -img_name sol_10_x86 -img_location /jsimages/sol_10_x86 -servproc_hostname sunserver004 -servproc_user root -servproc_pw rootuserpassword -dhcp_hostname dhcpserver001 -boot_img_host sunserver003 -boot_img_name sol_10_x86_boot -boot_img_location /jsboot/sol_10_x86_boot -wait 120 -pre -post
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