Reference Guide › AutoShell › AutoShell Loadable Modules' Command Reference › CA Microsoft Hyper-V AutoShell Commands › dpmhv-ShowHosts (Funclet) Command--Show all Hyper-V Servers
dpmhv-ShowHosts (Funclet) Command--Show all Hyper-V Servers
The dpmhv-ShowHosts command displays all Hyper-V Servers.
This command has the following format:
- -detail
(Optional) Displays the details of the virtual networks (host networks).
- -retval
Returns a value for further processing.
- -silent
Specifies not to direct the output to the screen.
- Return Value
The dpmhv-ShowHosts command returns an array of objects representing Hyper-V Servers. The property, "Name" is returned in the regular mode.
The following properties are returned in detail mode:
- AssignedNumaNodeList
- CIMV2_AdminPasswordStatus
- CIMV2_AutomaticManagedPagefile
- CIMV2_AutomaticResetBootOption
- CIMV2_AutomaticResetCapability
- CIMV2_BootOptionOnLimit
- CIMV2_BootOptionOnWatchDog
- CIMV2_BootROMSupported
- CIMV2_BootupState
- CIMV2_Caption
- CIMV2_ChassisBootupState
- CIMV2_CreationClassName
- CIMV2_CurrentTimeZone
- CIMV2_DNSHostName
- CIMV2_DaylightInEffect
- CIMV2_Description
- CIMV2_Domain
- CIMV2_DomainRole
- CIMV2_EnableDaylightSavingsTime
- CIMV2_FrontPanelResetStatus
- CIMV2_InfraredSupported
- CIMV2_InitialLoadInfo
- CIMV2_InstallDate
- CIMV2_KeyboardPasswordStatus
- CIMV2_LastLoadInfo
- CIMV2_Manufacturer
- CIMV2_Model
- CIMV2_Name
- CIMV2_NameFormat
- CIMV2_NetworkServerModeEnabled
- CIMV2_NumberOfLogicalProcessors
- CIMV2_NumberOfProcessors
- CIMV2_OEMLogoBitmap
- CIMV2_OEMStringArray
- CIMV2_PCSystemType
- CIMV2_PartOfDomain
- CIMV2_PauseAfterReset
- CIMV2_PowerManagementCapabilities
- CIMV2_PowerManagementSupported
- CIMV2_PowerOnPasswordStatus
- CIMV2_PowerState
- CIMV2_PowerSupplyState
- CIMV2_PrimaryOwnerContact
- CIMV2_PrimaryOwnerName
- CIMV2_ResetCapability
- CIMV2_ResetCount
- CIMV2_ResetLimit
- CIMV2_Roles
- CIMV2_Status
- CIMV2_SupportContactDescription
- CIMV2_SystemStartupDelay
- CIMV2_SystemStartupOptions
- CIMV2_SystemStartupSetting
- CIMV2_SystemType
- CIMV2_ThermalState
- CIMV2_TotalPhysicalMemory
- CIMV2_UserName
- CIMV2_WakeUpType
- CIMV2_Workgroup
- Caption
- ClusterName
- CreationClassName
- Dedicated
- Description
- ElementName
- EnabledDefault
- EnabledState
- HealthCritical
- HealthOk
- HealthState
- HostCPUUtilisationPercent
- HostMemoryAvailableMB
- IdentifyingDescriptions
- InstallDate
- IsHyperVClusterNode
- NET_ArpAlwaysSourceRoute
- NET_ArpUseEtherSNAP
- NET_Caption
- NET_DHCPEnabled
- NET_DHCPLeaseExpires
- NET_DHCPLeaseObtained
- NET_DHCPServer
- NET_DNSDomain
- NET_DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder
- NET_DNSEnabledForWINSResolution
- NET_DNSHostName
- NET_DNSServerSearchOrder
- NET_DatabasePath
- NET_DeadGWDetectEnabled
- NET_DefaultIPGateway
- NET_DefaultTOS
- NET_DefaultTTL
- NET_Description
- NET_DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled
- NET_ForwardBufferMemory
- NET_FullDNSRegistrationEnabled
- NET_GatewayCostMetric
- NET_IPAddress
- NET_IPConnectionMetric
- NET_IPEnabled
- NET_IPFilterSecurityEnabled
- NET_IPPortSecurityEnabled
- NET_IPSecPermitIPProtocols
- NET_IPSecPermitTCPPorts
- NET_IPSecPermitUDPPorts
- NET_IPSubnet
- NET_IPUseZeroBroadcast
- NET_IPXAddress
- NET_IPXEnabled
- NET_IPXFrameType
- NET_IPXMediaType
- NET_IPXNetworkNumber
- NET_IPXVirtualNetNumber
- NET_Index
- NET_InterfaceIndex
- NET_KeepAliveInterval
- NET_KeepAliveTime
- NET_MACAddress
- NET_NumForwardPackets
- NET_PMTUBHDetectEnabled
- NET_PMTUDiscoveryEnabled
- NET_ServiceName
- NET_SettingID
- NET_TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions
- NET_TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
- NET_TcpNumConnections
- NET_TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer
- NET_TcpWindowSize
- NET_TcpipNetbiosOptions
- NET_WINSEnableLMHostsLookup
- NET_WINSHostLookupFile
- NET_WINSPrimaryServer
- NET_WINSSecondaryServer
- Name
- NameFormat
- OnTimeInMilliseconds
- OperationalStatus
- OtherDedicatedDescriptions
- OtherEnabledState
- OtherIdentifyingInfo
- Path
- PowerManagementCapabilities
- PrimaryOwnerContact
- PrimaryOwnerName
- ProcessID
- RequestedState
- ResetCapability
- Roles
- Status
- StatusDescriptions
- TimeOfLastConfigurationChange
- TimeOfLastStateChange
- VSMS_BiosLockString
- VSMS_Caption
- VSMS_DefaultExternalDataRoot
- VSMS_DefaultVirtualHardDiskPath
- VSMS_Description
- VSMS_ElementName
- VSMS_InstanceID
- VSMS_MaximumMacAddress
- VSMS_MinimumMacAddress
- VSMS_NumaSpanningEnabled
- VSMS_PrimaryOwnerContact
- VSMS_PrimaryOwnerName
- VSMS_ScopeOfResidence
Example: Show all Hyper-V Servers
This example returns a list of Hyper-V Servers.
Example: Show all Hyper-V Servers and VMs on a Host
This example displays a list of Hyper-V Servers and displays VMs on each host.
a = dpmhv-showHosts -retval -silent
for each(h in a)
? "Host:", h.Name
dpmhv-showVMs -host (h.Name)
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