The dpmeventmanager get events command retrieves events.
This command has the following format:
dpmeventmanager get_events [-sc sc_url] [-status event_status] [-component eventcomponent] [-message eventmessagesubstring] [-source eventsource] [-target eventtarget] [-action eventaction] [-from_start_date_time] [-to_end_date_time] [-audit {0|1}] [-user_name username][-locale iso629value]
(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.
Example: https://hostname:port/...
Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.
Defines the listening port for the service controller server.
Example: 80
(Optional) Indicates the status of the event.
(Optional) Defines the product component to which the event corresponds.
Example: Policy, Imaging, and so on.
(Optional) Defines the event message substring to match against.
(Optional) Defines the computer that generates the event.
(Optional) Defines the target computer for which the event occurred.
(Optional) Defines the category of the event.
(Optional) Specifies the start date and time for events that you want to retrieve using a specified month (mm), day (dd), or year (yyyy). The default is all events regardless of date. This parameter includes the following:
Includes events created starting in this month.
Limits: 1-12
Includes events created starting on this day.
Limits: 1-31
Includes events created starting in this year.
Limits: 1970 or later
Includes events created starting at this hour.
Limits: 0-23
Includes events created starting at this minute.
Limits: 0-59
Includes events created starting at this second.
Limits: 0-59
(Optional) Specifies the end date and time for events that you want to retrieve using a specified month (mm), day (dd), and year (yyyy). The default is all events regardless of date. This parameter includes the following:
Includes events created ending in this month.
Limits: 1-12
Includes events created ending on this day.
Limits: 1-31
Includes events created ending in this year.
Limits: 01-09
Includes events created ending at this hour.
Limits: 1-24
Includes events created ending at this minute.
Limits: 1-60
Includes events created ending at this second.
Limits: 1-60
(Optional) Indicates whether an event is an auditing event. Use 1 (audit event) or 0 (not an audit event).
Default: 0
Defines the user name of the user who made the policy change that triggered the event. The CLI automatically determines the user name from the operating system.
(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".
Example: Retrieve Policy Events for a Specific Time Period
This example retrieves all Policy events from 10:10:10 AM, March 8, 2009 to the present.
dpmeventmanager get_events -component policy -from "3/08/2009 10:10:10"
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