In this use case, monitoring is required for 1,000 systems, all contained within one data center. All systems are in one location, within a firewall, and fast links exist between the computers.
Recommendations for this environment are:
All CA Virtual Assurance manager components can be installed on the same system.
Two jobs could be created to deploy the monitoring software to all target nodes. Depending on network load, the initial deployment of SystemEDGE (and Advanced Encryption if necessary), would be expected to complete in 8 to 12 hours.
Once deployment to remote systems completes, the CA Virtual Assurance Manager discovers SystemEDGE. Policy Configuration delivers an initial policy to each agent. We expect the initial policy delivery to complete approximately eight hours after the completion of the job.
For ease of maintenance, we suggest aligning the monitored servers into Services, with approximately 200 servers per Service. You can align services to business function, network topology, or other categorization as desired.
If necessary, applying policies to all monitored systems can be performed in a single operation.
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