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Create a New Package Wrapper

Package wrappers provide platform-specific instructions for the deployment mechanism to follow when deploying a specific package. Each package contains a default package wrapper for all platforms that support remote deployment. You can create new package wrappers if certain systems require different settings than the default.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Resources, Deploy.

    The Deployment pane displays the Packages, Templates, and Jobs folders.

  2. Expand Packages.

    The list of available packages appears in the Deployment pane.

  3. Right-click a package name in the Deployment pane and select Create New Wrapper.

    The New Wrapper dialog appears.

  4. Enter a name and an optional description for the wrapper, specify the platform the wrapper should support, and click OK.

    The wrapper is created, and details appear in the right pane.

    Note: If you create a SystemEDGE package wrapper, consider the dependency between the Trap Port, Trap Destination, and Trap Community fields. The behavior is that either none of these fields or all must be set. In case of a partial setting, the installer displays an error message.