The Convert Template to VM action type lets you convert a template to a virtual machine.
The Details section of the action definition contains the following fields:
Specifies the name of the server on which the VMware vCenter resides. Select one from the drop-down list.
Specifies the data center where the VM is located. Select one from the drop-down list.
Specifies the cluster or VMware ESX host where the VM is to be created. Select one from the drop-down list.
Specifies the VMware ESX server where the VM will reside. Select one from the drop-down list.
Specifies the name of the resource pool from which you want to select the VM for cloning. Select one from the drop-down list.
Specifies the name of the template you want to convert. Select one from the drop-down list.
Select to specify that the ticket requires approval by a third party.
Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.
Select to close the ticket after it is approved or rejected.
Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.
Select a valid ticket type from the drop-down list. Depending on your configuration, valid types include:
Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.
Specifies the template to use to create a ticket. Select a template from the drop-down list. Depending on the ticket type selected, the form is populated with corresponding values.
Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.
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