You can control the status of vCenter Server virtual machines by performing one of the following VM operations:
You can perform any of these operations on multiple VMs simultaneously.
To control VM status
Starts the virtual machine and boots the guest operating system. You can only power on a virtual machine that is currently powered off or suspended.
Powers off the virtual machine. You can only power off a virtual machine that is currently powered on or suspended.
Pauses the virtual machine and saves its current state. All activity is suspended until you resume the machine.
Shuts down the guest operating system and restarts it.
Shuts down the guest operating system. You can only shut down a virtual machine that is currently powered on.
A confirmation dialog appears.
The status operation occurs, and a confirmation message appears. Refresh the interface to view the new VM status. An event should appear confirming the result of the operation.
The following icons indicate VM status:
Indicates that the VM is in critical state.
Indicates that the VM is in warning state.
Indicates that the VM is in normal state.
Indicates that the VM is in unknown state.
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