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Configure PowerHA AIM with NodeCfgUtil in Command Mode

The NodeCfgUtil.exe is a utility that lets you modify the AIM configurations. When you use the utility in command mode, you can only add managed nodes to an AIM configuration.

Note: Run NodeCfgUtil.exe as Windows Administrator.

This command has the following format:

(1) nodecfgutil -help
(2) nodecfgutil powerha -u user -p password -h cluster_name [-t port]

Displays usage information about the console.


Specifies the virtual or physical environment.

-u user|usercertificate

Specifies the name of an administrative user or the user certificate, accordingly.

-p password

Specifies the password of that user.

- h cluster_name

Specifies the name of the cluster.

-t port

(Optional) Specifies the port number.

Default: 22

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt on the system on which the AIM is installed.

    The command prompt appears.

  2. Enter one of the following commands:
    (1) nodecfgutil -help
    (2) nodecfgutil powerha -u user -p password -h cluster_name [-t port] 

    (1) Displays the usage information about the console.

    (2) Authenticates and stores the passed credentials for IBM PowerHA

    The utility writes a configuration file for IBM PowerHA(hacmp.cfg) to the SystemEDGE_InstallLpath\plugins\AIPCommon directory.