Configure Object Aggregation
By default, SystemEDGE aggregates monitors into a managed object that contain the same values for the object class, instance, and attribute properties. For example, all monitors with a class of SysHealth, an instance of CPU, and an attribute of SysTime are combined into an aggregate managed object.
You can configure the agent to aggregate objects on higher levels when defining SystemEDGE policy. You can also configure other aspects of agent behavior related to object aggregation and the state management model.
Follow these steps:
The Available Policies page appears.
The Summary page for the policy appears.
The Controls page appears.
The Aggregate Monitors page appears.
These represent higher aggregation levels than the default, up to aggregating all monitors into one top-level agent object. Specifying aggregation levels lets you create a tiered object architecture that propagates status up to the level you specify.
Specifies whether to send legacy traps for all monitors that make up a managed object. By default, the agent only sends a state change trap for the monitor with the highest severity, even if other monitors in the object experience threshold breaches.
Specifies whether to execute action commands for all monitors that make up a managed object. By default, the agent only runs an action command for the monitor with the highest severity, even if other monitors in the object experience threshold breaches.
Aggregation settings are configured. Apply or reapply the policy for the changes to take effect.
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