The SystemEDGE agent bases its operation on the contents of the following configuration text files:
The agent installation creates the file in CASYSEDGE\config containing basic information defined during installation, such as system information, SNMP communities, CA Virtual Assurance manager registration, and the data directory (referred to in this document as CASYSEDGE_DATA).
When the SystemEDGE agent starts, it reads the file created during installation to determine how it should operate and creates a copy of file in a subdirectory of CASYSEDGE_DATA.
Use this version of the file to make post-installation runtime configuration changes. You can edit configuration settings defined during installation and define other settings.
Note: For more information about the location of the installation and data directory, see the chapter "Agent Configuration." This document refers to the installation directory as CASYSEDGE.
The file contains SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 configuration information. You cannot configure SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 during installation, but you can modify the file (copied to a subdirectory of data directory when the agent is started initially) to the data directory to enable SNMPv3 operations and define SNMPv3 users, access lists, and security protocols. We recommend that you hold in a cental configuration repository, or (to take advantage of an automatic deployment of this file) use the CA Virtual Assurance policy-based configuration capability.
Note: For more information about using and to configure basic properties and SNMPv3 settings of the agent, see Agent Configuration chapter.
The file also controls monitoring settings of the agent. Any method of configuring monitoring entries (through a user interface such as CA Virtual Assurance or through direct file manipulation) other than submitting SNMP Set requests ultimately populates the file in the data directory with the monitoring information. The agent uses this file to gather instructions for performing all monitoring operations.
Note: For more information about the monitoring capabilities of the agent, see Monitoring Architecture.
The sysedge.mon file acts as a backup file to store the changes made through SNMP Sets that are not automatically entered in the file. The file also stores runtime information, such as the current state of a monitor. Entries in take precedence over entries in sysedge.mon. When the agent performs a full (or cold) restart, it first reads the sysedge.mon file in the data directory for monitoring entries, then reads the file and overwrites existing monitors and adds additional monitors. When the agent performs a partial (or warm) start, it only reads the file. Use the file, either through configuration in the CA Virtual Assurance user interface or direct manipulation, to configure the agent.
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