All SystemEDGE configuration information is contained in the and configuration files. Modify the file, either through configuration in the CA Virtual Assurance user interface or by direct manipulation, to configure the agent.
The and configuration files contain all SystemEDGE agent configuration information.
The configuration file, a UTF-8 encoded (plain) text file viewable with a text editor, contains local system values such as the following:
The configuration file is an unencrypted file that can be encrypted using the se_enc utility. The file contains SNMPv3 information such as the following:
On UNIX and Windows platforms, the and files are installed in the CASYSEDGE\config directory. CASYSEDGE is a placeholder for the directory in which SystemEDGE is installed on UNIX. On Windows, the location is stored in the registry, HKLM\Software\ComputerAssociates\SystemEDGE\InstallDir. During install, the user is prompted to give information like SNMPv1 communities, sysContact, agent SNMP port and data directory. The information provided by the user is updated in the file by the installer.
When the agent starts up for the first time, SystemEDGE copies the *.cf files to its data directory. Use the files in the data directory to configure the agent. On Windows systems, you can also access these files through the SystemEDGE control panel. To access the files, select Start, Control Panel, SystemEDGE, and click or
The installer sets up the port for the default agent instance (SystemEDGE service) during installation. When you start the agent from the command line, do not specify the –p parameter for the default instance. The default port is used automatically. Only the default agent instance communicates with the CA Virtual Assurance manager. In consequence, any configuration file (, received from the CA Virtual Assurance manager is placed in the SystemEDGE\data\portdefault-port directory. For example: C:\Program Files\CA\SystemEDGE\data\port161
During an upgrade, the agent additionally merges the settings from the previous versions. For more information about upgrading your configuration file settings, see Upgrade Considerations.
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