This section describes the command line options to start the SystemEDGE agent on Windows and UNIX systems. Using these options, you can start the agent with values other than default values of ports and configuration files. The options enable you to run another instance of the agent from a command shell such as testing configuration changes.
Note: Upon startup of the agent, the existing log file is saved with zero extension as 'filename.0'. If an existing agent log file at runtime is changed by deploying a new configuration in the managed mode, it is saved with zero extension.
Important! Agent installation and CA Virtual Assurance deployment only support the default agent instance.
The sysedge binary supports the following command line options:
[-p port] [-f config file] [-e SNMPV3 config file] [-m monitor file] [-h] [-b] [-d]
Specifies the port on which to listen for the incoming SNMP messages. Specify a different port than you entered during installation to run a separate instance of the agent. Port UDP/1691 is reserved for use as an alternate port for running the SystemEDGE agent. Do not specify this argument if you are using the port specified during installation.
Note that only the default agent instance communicates with the CA Virtual Assurance manager. Therefore, any configuration file received from CA Virtual Assurance is placed in the CASYSEDGE_DATADIR directory corresponding to the default port.
Specifies the path name to use for the file instead of the default configuration file in CASYSEDGE_DATADIR.
Specifies the path name to use for the file instead of the default SNMPv3 configuration file in CASYSEDGE_DATADIR.
Specifies the path name to use for the sysedge.mon file instead of the default monitor table configuration file in CASYSEDGE_DATADIR.
Displays help for the command. This option lists the available command line options.
(UNIX only) Runs the agent in the background. The agent runs as a daemon process and disconnects from the controlling terminal. Use this flag when starting the agent from a startup script.
Runs the agent in debug mode. This option sets the agent logging level to debug3. For more information about the logging mechanism and logging levels, see the chapter "Agent Configuration."
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