Service Response Monitor › Test Management › Create Tests › MAPI Tests
MAPI Tests
The MAPI test monitors the amount of time required to log into a user account and either send or retrieve mail from a MAPI server.
Note: MAPI is a proprietary Microsoft protocol. The MAPI test uses the Microsoft Extended MAPI protocol. For this reason, MAPI tests must originate from a Windows server that is running Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook. (Outlook Express is not sufficient because it does not install the correct APIs.) The MAPI test requires the MAPI server to specify a default message store and address book provider.
Options and Arguments
MAPI tests require the following specific options and arguments:
- Operation. Select the type of mail test to perform: Send or Retrieve.
- MAPI Server. The hostname of the MAPI mail server. This system must be in the same domain as the user you specify in the User Name field. The system from which you run the SRM test must also be in the same domain.
Note: IPv6 addresses can be used, but they must be embedded in brackets, for example [0aff::230:6eff:fe4b:51db]:8080. Here 0aff::230:6eff:fe4b:51db represents the IPv6 address and 8080 represents the port number.
- User Name. A valid user name for a test MAPI account on the Exchange server. This user must have Log In as a Service privileges on the system on which SRM is installed to authenticate the recipient. Do not use an active user account for this test; create a test account in the same domain as the MAPI server you are testing, and make sure that the account has Log In as a Service privileges.
- Password. A valid password for the user account. The password is encrypted.
Note: You must retype the password in the Verify Password field to verify that you have entered it correctly.
- User Domain. The Windows domain where the MAPI user account exists. The system you are testing and the user must be in the same domain.
- Mail Recipient. (Send only) The email address of a valid mail recipient know by the mail server.
- Mail Body Size. (Send only) The size of the test message to send. The default is 4096 bytes.
- Download. (Retrieve only) Select one of the following:
- Download First Message. This option downloads only the first message for this user account.
- Download All Messages. This option downloads all messages for this user account.
- Delete Downloaded Messages. (Retrieve only - Optional) Select the check box to delete the messages that were downloaded during the test or leave it blank to leave the messages on the test system.
Specify these options and arguments when you create or modify tests.
To specify Log In as a Service privileges
- Open the Administrative Tools Control Panel.
- Double-click Local Security Policies, Local Policies, User Rights Assignment.
A list of policies displays in the right pane.
- Double-click Log in as a service.
The Log in as a service dialog appears.
- Click Add.
The Select Users or Groups dialog appears.
- Select the name to which you want to add this policy, click Add, and then click OK.
Note: The test must run on the same domain to which the user belongs.
Example 1
Use this example to create a test that downloads the first message in the MAPI user account at mapiserver.yourdomain once every 120 seconds and deletes it after downloading it. The test waits up to 10 seconds for a successful response and calculates response time and availability statistics over the last 3600 seconds (1 hour).
To create a new test in a policy
- Click + (New) on the Test Monitors toolbar.
The New test pane appears.
- In the Operation field, select Send.
- From the Test Type list, select MAPI.
- In the Description field, specify MAPI-Test.
- In the Test Name field, specify MAPI-Test.
- In the Test Interval field, specify 120.
- In the Test Timeout field, specify 10.
- In the Samples Per Interval field, specify 1.
- In the Statistics Window field, specify 3600.
- In the MAPI Server field, enter mapiserver.yourdomain.com.
- In the User Name field, specify MAPIuser.
- In the Password field, specify MAPI123.
- In the Verify Password field, specify MAPI123.
- In the User Domain field, specify myDomain.
- In the Mail Recipient field, specify congo@yourdomain.com.
- Accept the default mail body size (256 bytes).
- Accept defaults for all other fields.
- Click Save Test.
When you commit your changes, SRM adds an entry similar to the following to the svcrsp.cf file:
Example 2
Use this example to create a test that retrieves the first message from a known MAPI user account at mapiserver.yourdomain.com once every 120 seconds and deletes it after downloading it. The test waits up to 10 seconds for a successful response and calculates response time and availability statistics over the last 3600 seconds (1 hour).
To create a new test in a policy
- Click + (New) on the Test Monitors toolbar.
The New test pane appears.
- In the Operation field, select Retrieve.
- From the Test Type list, select MAPI.
- In the Description field, specify MAPI_Retrieve_Test.
- In the Test Name field, specify MAPI Retrieve Test.
- In the Test Interval field, specify 120.
- In the Test Timeout field, specify 10.
- In the Samples Per Interval field, specify 1.
- In the Statistics Window field, specify 3600.
- In the MAPI Server field, enter mapiserver.yourdomain.com.
- In the User Name field, specify MAPIuser.
- In the Password field, specify MAPI123.
- In the Verify Password field, specify MAPI123.
- In the User Domain field, specify myDomain.
- Select Delete Downloaded Messages.
- Click Save Test.
When you commit your changes, SRM adds an entry similar to the following to the svcrsp.cf file:
name="MAPI Retrieve Test"
For information about errors you may encounter when running MAPI tests, see MAPI Test Error Codes.
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