AutoShell provides the following CA Virtual Assurance-specific commands (cmdlets, funclets), functions, and classes. Use these commands to create appropriate AutoShell applications to manage your virtual environment.
!, !!, ?, ??, accept, arrdump, cat, cd, DBG_PROMPT, DBG_PROMPT_LINE, exit, external, get-autoShellClassInfo, get-webServiceInfo, help, mkdir, objdump, pwd, quit, set alternate to, set console, set result disp, start-java, type, wait, weak external
add, ASSERT, associate, chdir, clone, copy, cp, create, custom, del, dir, get-help, get-remoteResult, install, ls, modify, move, mv, new-SSHSession, new-ZONESession, new-comObject, new-webService, push-client, push-winRemote, push-winRemote, PW_GET, query-service, reboot, rebuild, rem-client, remove, ren, rename, reset, rm, rmdir, run-SSHCommand, run-SSHShell, run-ZONECommand, run-client, run-local, run-remote, run-winRemote, show, shutdown, start, start-service, status, stop, stop-service, uninstall
base64Decode, base64Encode, curDir, delete, disable, enable, gete, memoRead, memoWrit, platform, pute, qout, qqout, regCreateKey, regCreateSubkeys, regDeleteKey, regDeleteVal, regGetKeyValues, regGetSubKey, regGetVal, regIsKey, regIsVal, reSetKeyValues, regSetVal, setProcExitCode, shellType, typeName
OSRedirect, RemoteTarget
AutoShell commands, functions, and classes can be categorized according to the following criteria:
exit, quit, push-client, rem-client, run-client, setProcExitCode, shellType
new-comObject, get-autoShellClassInfo, get-remoteResult, objdump, OSRedirect, RemoteTarget, run-local, run-remote, typeName
!, !!, get-remoteResult, OSRedirect, push-winRemote, RemoteTarget, run-local, run-remote, run-SSHCommand, run-SSHShell, run-winRemote, run-ZONECommand
base64Decode, base64Encode
gete, pute
cat, cd, chdir, copy, cp, curDir, del, dir, ls, mkdir, mv, pwd, ren, rm, rmdir, type
get-help, help
?, ??, accept, DBG_PROMPT, DBG_PROMPT_LINE, PW_GET, qout, qqout, set alternate to, set console, set result disp, wait
external, start-java, weak external
push-winRemote, run-LPARCommand, run-winRemote, run-ZONECommand, platform
regCreateKey, regCreateSubkeys, regDeleteKey, regDeleteVal, regGetKeyValues, regGetSubKey, regGetVal, regIsKey, regIsVal, reSetKeyValues, regSetVal
get-remoteResult, push-winRemote, RemoteTarget, run-remote, run-SSHCommand, run-SSHShell, run-winRemote
get-webServiceInfo, new-webService, query-service, start-service, stop-service
new-SSHSession, new-ZONESession
associate, clone, create, custom, delete, disable, enable, install, modify, move, reboot, rename, show, start, status, stop, uninstall
accept, PW_GET, memoRead, memoWrit, typeName
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