This section details the AutoShell class definitions. AutoShell is based on JavaScript, so object orientation is achieved through function objects as in JavaScript. Functions can serve as regular functions, classes, constructors, or methods.
Objects are created as function instances using the new operator, for example:
now = new Date();
AutoShell also implements its own classes that are instantiated using the new operator. In many cases, there is no need to work directly with the AutoShell classes because they are encapsulated using AutoShell command definitions.
Constructors are methods called when an object is created. There may be several constructors for a class. In this case, it depends on the actual arguments in the object instantiation which constructor is called.
Methods are a set of associated functions called on an object using the '.' operator and access or manipulate object data using the "this" property.
See also a JavaScript language reference.
Calculate the date/time ten hours from the current time. Day wrapping at midnight is handled properly.
d = new Date(); d.setHours(d.getHours()+10)
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