NodeCfgUtil.exe lets you modify the AIM configurations for IBM PowerVM, IBM PowerHA, Solaris Zones, VMware vCenter, VMware vCloud, Microsoft Clusters, Cisco UCS, Citrix XenServer, Citrix XenDesktop, RHEV, Active Directory and Exchange Server (ADES), or Huawei GalaX. The utility writes a configuration file for the corresponding AIM to the sysedge_InstallLpath\plugins\AIPCommon directory. You can also use the NodeCfgUtil utility to edit or remove existing entries.
Use the utility in dialog mode to configure which nodes the appropriate AIMs manage.
Note: Run NodeCfgUtil.exe as Windows Administrator.
Follow these steps:
NodeCfgUtil discovers and lists the installed AIMs in subsequent dialogs.
After the configuration, enter 0 to return to previous menus, or to exit the utility.
NodeCfgUtil writes a configuration file for Solaris Zones (zone.cfg), vCenter Server (vc.cfg), vCloud Director (vcloud.cfg), Microsoft Clusters (mscs.cfg), Citrix XenServer (cxen.cfg), UCS (ucs.cfg), PowerVM (lpar.cfg), PowerHA (hacmp.cfg), RHEV (kvm.cfg), Huawei GalaX (galaxa.cfg), Citrix XenDesktop (xendesktop.cfg), or ADES (esad.cfg) to the SystemEDGE_InstallPath\plugins\AIPCommon directory.
Note: You can also use the NodeCfgUtil utility to edit or remove existing entries. The corresponding dialogs are self-explaining.
The following example shows the Install Managed Node dialog for the myvc5 server that has been successfully added to the configuration of the vCenter AIM. The AIM is now ready to manage the vCenter Server. The vCenter AIM is a multi-instance AIM. So you can repeat this procedure and can add more vCenter Servers that you want to manage with this AIM.
***** Main MENU ***** 1. Install Managed Node 2. Modify Managed Node
3. Remove Managed Node
0. Exit
Enter choice:
**** Choose Managed Node **** 1. IBM PowerVM 2. Oracle Solaris Zones 3. VMware vCenter 4. Cisco UCS 5. Microsoft Cluster Service 6. Microsoft Active Directory and Exchange Server 7. IBM PowerHA 8. VMware vCloud Director 9. Citrix XenDesktop 10.Go Back to Previous Menu ******************************* Enter choice: 4 Enter following information for the VMware vCenter Node... (At any point to go back to the previous menu, Enter 'CTRL Q'). 1. Server Name: myvc5 2. User Name: administrator 3. Password: ********* 4. Port [default=443]: 5. Protocol [default=https]: CAAC1016 Authenticating, please wait... CAAC1019 Authentication SUCCESSFUL. CAAC1023 Added Node Successfully. Press any key to continue...
The following example shows the Install Managed Node dialog for mydomain that has been successfully added to the configuration of the ADES AIM. Management Entity is set to Active Directory. Management Mode is set to Entire Domain. For details, see the NodeCfgUtil command mode. The ADES AIM is a multi-instance AIM. So you can repeat this procedure and can add more entities that you want to manage with this AIM.
**** Choose Managed Node **** 1. Microsoft Cluster Service 2. Microsoft Active Directory and Exchange Server 0. Go Back to Previous Menu ******************************* Enter choice: 2 Enter following information for the Microsoft Active Directory and Exchange Server Node... (At any point to go back to the previous menu, Enter 'CTRL Q'). 1. Domain Name: mydomain 2. User Name: administrator 3. Password: ************ 4. Management Entity: 0 5. Management Mode: 0 CAAC1016 Authenticating, please wait... CAAC1018 Credential authentication SUCCESSFUL. Press any key to continue...
The following example shows the Managed System dialog for the HMC1 server that has been successfully added to the configuration of the LPAR AIM. After the AIM discovers all Virtual I/O Servers that are related to the HMC server, they are visible in NodeCfgUtil and each one can be modified to specify its credentials. The AIM uses the credentials of the first fully configured VIO Server as default credentials for all VIO Servers not yet configured. Thus, it is sufficient to specify the credentials for only one VIO Server if all of them share credentials. Otherwise, it is necessary to configure each VIO Server with different credentials. The AIM is now ready to manage the HMC Server.
**** Choose Managed Node **** 1. IBM PowerVM 0. Go Back to Previous Menu ******************************* Enter choice: 1 List of existing entries... 1. hmc: 2. vio: Select the entry to be modified (0 to go back to the previous menu): 2 Enter following information for the IBM LPAR Node... (At any point to go back to the previous menu, Enter 'CTRL Q'). 1. Server Name: ibm101 2. User Name: admin 3. Password: ********* CAAC1016 Authenticating, please wait... CAAC1019 Authentication SUCCESSFUL. CAAC1024 Modified Node Successfully. Press any key to continue...
The following example shows the Install Managed Node dialog for myserver that has been successfully added to the configuration of the GalaX AIM. For details, see the NodeCfgUtil command mode. The GalaX AIM is a multi-instance AIM. So you can repeat this procedure and can add more entities that you want to manage with this AIM.
Note: To configure Huawei GalaX component you need to specify the certificate filename.
**** Choose Managed Node **** 1. Huawei GalaX 0. Go Back to Previous Menu ******************************* Enter choice: 1 Enter following information for the Huawei GalaX Node... (At any point to go back to the previous menu, Enter 'CTRL Q'). 1. Server Name: myserver 2. Certificate file name: certificatename123.p12 3. Password: ************ 4. Port [default =8773]: 5. Protocol [default =http]: CAAC1016 Authenticating, please wait... CAAC1018 Credential authentication SUCCESSFUL. Press any key to continue...
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