You can configure the role of vCenter Server to serve as the resource pool provider for vCloud. In such cases, vCenter Server provides the compute and memory resources for vCloud to create VMs. The resource pool appears in vCloud as Provider vDC.
As a result of this configuration, the VMs of this resource pool appear in the CA Virtual Assurance Explore pane in the vCenter object hierarchy and in the vCloud object hierarchy. The Summary panel of such a VM shows the same information under vCloud as under the vCenter Server:
The set of operations that you can apply to these VMs is limited in both vCloud and vCenter Server environments. The limited set of operations prevents vCenter and vCloud from being out of synchronization. For example, you cannot power off a VM under the vCenter Server while the parent vApp of that VM is running in vCloud. You can only power off such a VM by first powering off the vApp in vCloud.
Valid VM operations are as follows:
If a VM is created in vCloud without a connection to a vCenter Server, the Summary pane shows the following information only:
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