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ism-applyPoliciesForService Command--Apply Policies to all Systems (Funclet)

The ism-applyPoliciesForService command applies the policies to all computer systems in a managed service.

This command has the following format:

-policyName policy_name 
-policyType policy_type 
-serviceName service_name
[-timeout time]
-policyName policy_name

Specifies the policy name to apply.

Default: Null

-policyType policy_type

Specifies the policy type.

-serviceName service_name

Specifies the name of the managed service.

Note: In the service name, use double backslash as a delimiter. Using single backslash as a delimiter is interpreted as an escape sequence. For example, specify service name as “Enterprise\\Data Center\\servicename”, instead of “Enterprise\Data Center\servicename”.

-timeout time

(Optional) Specifies the time limit in seconds for this command to wait until the hosts are successfully configured after which the timeout occurs. If not specified, this command does not wait for the hosts to be successfully configured.

Default: 30 seconds.

Note: If you specify zero, the default system wide timeout occurs.

Example: Apply Policies to all Systems

This example applies the policies to the managed service, CA Virtual Assurance.

ism-applyPoliciesForService -policyName policy7 -policyType SystemEDGE -serviceName "Enterprise\\Data Center\\CA Virtual Assurance Services" -timeout 400