The ism-applyPolicyTemplates command applies the specified policy templates to a group of hosts.
This command has the following format:
ism-applyPolicyTemplates -templateName templateName -templateOs templateOs -hostName hostname [-timeout time] [-replaceExisting replaceExisting]
Specifies the name of the template.
Specifies the policy template operating system.
Specifies the name of the host computer.
(Optional) Specifies the time limit in seconds for this command to wait until the hosts are successfully configured after which the timeout occurs. If not specified, this command does not wait for the hosts to be successfully configured.
Default: 30 seconds.
Note: If you specify zero, the default system wide timeout occurs.
(Optional) Replaces the existing configuration of the host with the new configuration.
Example: Apply policy templates to a Group of Hosts
Apply policy templates to a group of hosts.
ism-applyPolicyTemplates -templateName template2 -templateOs windows -hostName "s1","s2","s3"-timeout 400 -replaceExisting yes
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