The ism-listSystemPolicies command lists all policies and policy templates deployed to each host.
This command has the following format:
ism-listSystemPolicies -hostName hostName
Specifies the name of the host.
Example: List all Policies in a Service
This example lists all policies and policy templates deployed to the given host, test2, along with the delivery status. The time when policies and policy templates were last applied and exceptions, if any.
ism-listSystemPolicies -hostName test2
Policy Status OS Type Ver Applied Exc
-- test2 ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Policies----------------------------------------------------------------
default SystemEDGE.SR Delivery requested Windows 0 2011-08-02 18:35:36 No
default SystemEDGE Configured Windows 0 2011-08-08 12:54:59 No
-- Templates --------------------------------------------------------------
test3 SystemEDGE Configured Windows 0 2011-08-08 12:54:59 No
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