Perform this procedure after you determine that all prerequisites have been met.
Follow these steps:
If autorun is enabled, the installation wizard starts automatically. If the installation wizard does not start, double-click setup.hta or navigate to the DVDdrive\Installers\Windows directory on the installation media and double-click install.exe.
The Preinstall Checks dialog appears.
If an item fails, fix the requirement and restart the installation.
The License Agreement dialog appears.
The Choose Features To Install dialog appears.
The Required Configuration dialog appears.
Note: The following characters are not supported in the destination path: exclamation point (!), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), left parenthesis '(', right parenthesis ')', and semicolon (;).
Verify the Management and Performance Database settings and change the database server name, instance, authentication type, or port number (1433) if necessary. Click OK.
Default: Windows Authentication
If you select SQL Authentication, enter the name of the database administrator (sa) and password.
Note: If the database login credentials, server name, or port is not valid, an error message appears and you can enter the correct information. If the error cannot be resolved, the installation program exits and no changes are made to your computer. For more information, see the Verify Requirements for Using SQL Server section.
If you do not refer to an existing CA EEM installation, CA Virtual Assurance installs CA EEM on the local system. CA Virtual Assurance creates an AIP instance in CA EEM during installation. CA EEM supports only one AIP instance.
If you refer to an existing CA EEM installation, the installation program checks CA EEM for a registered AIP instance. If the installation program discovers an AIP instance, the installation process stops. If the AIP instance is no longer used, you can unregister it. To remove an AIP instance from CA EEM: Open CA EEM user interface, open the Configure tab, select AIP, click Unregister.
Note: If you use CA EEM 12.0, verify that you have the "EEM Application User" and "EEM System User" specified before you configure CA EEM in the installation wizard. In the CA EEM Configuration dialog of the installation wizard, enable "Use Existing Security". Add the EEM Application User, EEM System User, and passwords that you have already specified in CA EEM.
You can specify the network ports for the listed components or accept the following default values:
If necessary, specify one additional locale to activate, and click Ok.
Default: English (United States)
In addition to the default communities public and admin and their associated SNMP ports 161, 1691, and 6665, you can specify your own read-only and read-write community and port.
Default: public, snmp_admin
All communities which are specified during installation, are used as global (default) SNMP Settings in the installed product. If necessary, you can specify further SNMP settings in the CA Virtual Assurance user interface. See the Administration Guide, section How to Configure SNMP and Access Control Lists.
The Pre-installation Summary dialog opens with the list of components to install.
The installation progress dialog appears.
Note: If the installation is successful, the installation program creates log files for each installed component in the Install_Path\productname\log\install directory.
The Product Status Checks dialog appears.
If an item fails, verify which action to take. For example, install available patches.
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