CA SystemEDGE, CA Virtual Assurance AIMs, and selected command line utilities support internationalization that is based on UTF-8 character encoding.
SystemEDGE Control Panel Applet
The SystemEDGE Control Panel Applet uses the system locale regardless of the locale that is specified during the installation. If specific language resources for the system locale are not available, the UI of the SystemEDGE Control Panel Applet is presented in English.
SystemEDGE Configuration File
When you modify the configuration file to add language-specific characters, verify that the text editor you use supports UTF-8 as a storage format. If the text editor inserts a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark while saving the file, SystemEDGE ignores the Byte Order Mark while reading the configuration file.
Regular Expressions with UTF-8 encoded characters
If you want to use UTF-8 encoded characters in regular expressions that are used for SystemEDGE monitors, enable the PCRE regular expression library. For more information about using PCRE, see the SystemEDGE User Guide.
SystemEDGE CLI Commands
The following commands provide localized output and console help information:
If you use the optional –L switch, the utility detects the current locale of the console and language catalog if available. If a language catalog is not found, the utility falls back to English as a default language.
Customize Console Display
If you want to display console data that contains language-specific characters, verify the following prerequisites for CLI commands:
echo $LANG
If UTF-8 is not enabled, enter, for example, the following command in a console window (use the appropriate character encoding: en_US.UTF-8, ja_JP.UTF-8, fr_BE.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8, and so on):
LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LANG
SystemEDGE supports only hostnames with the characters 'a - z', 'A - Z', '0 - 9' and '-'. A hostname cannot start with a hyphen ('-') or cannot be all numeric. The NetBIOS name of a Windows system must match its DNS hostname.
SystemEDGE supports only ASCII characters in:
Exchange Server and Active Directory AIM
This release of the Exchange Server and Active Directory AIM does not support internationalization.
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