The svcwatch add tcpconnect command adds a TCP Connect test to SRM on the specified host.
This command has the following format:
svcwatch [options] -o add index descr tcpconnect destination username password args interval samples timeout winsiz tos limit flags name class contextInfo logLevel
The add command uses the following parameters:
Specifies the possible options for this command.
(Optional) Specifies the SystemEDGE host.
Default: localhost
(Optional) Specifies the SystemEDGE SNMP port.
Default: 161
(Optional) Specifies the SNMP community string for SNMP version 1 and 2c.
Default: public
(Optional) Specifies the SNMP version. Possible values are:
Default: 1
(Optional) Specifies the name of the SNMPv3 secure user.
(Optional) Specifies the level of security for SNMPv3. Possible values are:
(Optional) Specifies the instance name for a MIBMuxed agent.
(Optional) Identifies the authentication password required when SNMPv3 is selected with security AuthNoPriv or AuthPriv.
(Optional) Specifies the authentication protocol. Possible values are:
Default: MD5
(Optional) Specifies the privacy (encryption) password for SNMPv3 with security level 3 (AuthPriv).
(Optional) Specifies the use of encryption protocol for privacy. Possible values are:
(Optional) Specifies the FIPS mode. Possible values are:
Default: 0
(Optional) Specifies the SNMP command timeout.
Default: 10 seconds
(Optional) Specifies the log level for SNMP messages. Possible values are:
Default: 0
(Optional) Specifies the name of the logfile.
Default: sysedge_utility.log
(Optional) Detects the current locale of the console and language catalog if available. If a language catalog is not found, the utility falls back to English as a default language.
Adds a new test to SRM.
Specifies the parameters for the new test.
Specifies the svcRspTable index.
Specifies the description of the test in quotes. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no description.
Specifies the TCP Connect service type.
Specifies the remote host and port (server:port) for the test.
Specifies the user name for authentication in quotes. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no user name.
Specifies the password for authentication in quotes. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no password.
No arguments available for the DHCP service type. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no arguments.
Note: For details of the particular arguments for each service type, see Keywords for Tests.
Specifies the test interval in seconds.
Limits: multiple of 30 seconds
Specifies the samples per interval.
Specifies the timeout in seconds.
Specifies the statistics window size in seconds.
Specifies the IP Type of Service or Differentiated Services Code. Use 0 (zero) for a normal service. See also RFC 1349.
Specifies the acceptable performance limit (or threshold) for the total response time of this test. This value is used in reports.
Specifies the following flags:
0x001 = collect performance cubes
0x100 = execute on request only (run once)
Specifies the unique name per service type. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no test name.
Specifies the class name. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no class name.
Specifies context information. An empty string in quotes "" specifies no context information.
Specifies the log level for the test execution code. Possible values are:
-2 = use SRM-global log level (default)
-1 = do not log
0 = fatal (only the most important messages)
1 = critical
7 = debug3 (log all messages)
Adding a TCP connect test:
svcwatch -p 161 -c admin -o add 1360763 "Test" tcpconnect "" "" "" "" 60 5 30 60 0 0 0X100 "Testtcpconnect" "" "" 1
Here, as host is not specified, default is localhost. The port number is 161. 'add' adds new test to SRM. The unique svcRspTable index number is 2013."Test" is the description of this test. tcpconnect specifies TCP Connect service type. The details of remote host and port tested is
The two empty strings in quotes ("") specify no user name and password used for authentication. "" specifies no arguments available for tcpconnect service type. The test interval is specified as 60 seconds. The number of samples tested per interval is 5. The timeout is 30 seconds. The statistics window size is 60 seconds. 0 (zero) specifies a normal service (and not IP Type of Service or Differentiated Services)
0 (zero) specifies the acceptable performance limit (or threshold) for the total response time of this test. This test is executed on request only (run once) with flag set to 0x100. Specifies the unique name per service type as Testtcpconnect. Specifies no class name, and context information in "". This test is executed with log level as critical with '1'.
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