Use this command to create a server pool.
This command has the following format:
dpmucs createwwpool [-sc sc_url] -ucs_manager ucsmanagername -pool_name poolname -description pooldescription -org_path organizationpath -chassisbladepairs pairs [-ws_user username] [-ws_password password] [-locale iso639value]
(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.
Example: https://hostname:port/...
Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.
Defines the listening port for the service controller server.
Example: 80
Defines the name of the UCS Manager for retrieving information or an operation.
Specifies pool name. Valid entry: 1-16 alphanumeric characters.
Defines the pool being created.
Defines the fully qualified path name to the organization. Valid format: Org-root/org-suborg1/org-suborg2/org-suborg3...
Defines chassis-blade pairs for a server pool. Valid entries: chassis name, followed by blade name, separated by bar (|); separate pairs with a single space. Example: chassis1|blade1 chassis2|blade2.
(Optional) Specifies the credentials to use for the web service security check. If you do not include credentials, you are prompted to enter them. Avoid the prompt for credentials by setting up your own session using caaipsecurity.
(Optional) Specifies an IS0 639_3166 combination to override the default English output, for example, fr_FR for French. To use the locale of the command prompt, specify "native".
Example: Create a Server Pool
This example creates a server pool with multiple chassis blade pairs.
createserverpool -ucs_manager ucsmanager -pool_name TEST_SERVER_POOL -description TEST POOL -org_path "" -chassisbladepairs Eng1|Blade2 Test1|Blade1 QA1|Blade3
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