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ism-listDeployedSystems Command--List all Hosts With a Package Deployed (Funclet)

The ism-listDeployedSystems command lists all host names on which a specific package is deployed to.

Note: This view is an audit-trail view, so if hosts are removed or reimaged later, they still appear in this list.

This command has the following format:

ism-listDeployedSystems -package package_name 
-platform platform_name [-version package_version]
-package package_name

Specifies the name or ID of the deployment package.

-platform platform_name

Specifies the operating system of the package.

-version package_version

(Optional) Specifies the version of the package.

Note: Specify the version only if there are more than one package versions.

Example: List all Hosts Having a Package Deployed

This example lists all host names on which the package, 7e033e5d-test-404d-82in-a2f7bbe960a4 is deployed to.

ism-listDeployedSystems -package 7e033e5d-test-404d-82in-a2f7bbe960a4 -platform Windows