The ism-setSysEdgeLogLevelForService command sets the SystemEDGE log level for all hosts in a service.
This command has the following format:
ism-setSysEdgeLogLevelForService -servicename service_name -level level
Specifies the name of the managed service.
Note: In the service name, use double backslash as a delimiter. Using single backslash as a delimiter is interpreted as an escape sequence. For example, specify service name as “Enterprise\\Data Center\\servicename”, instead of “Enterprise\Data Center\servicename”.
Indicates the agent to log messages up to a given level. The levels are: fatal, critical, warning, info, debug, debug1, debug2, and debug3. The higher the value, the more information is logged. Fatal is the lowest level, and debug3 is the highest level.
Example: Set the SystemEDGE Log Level in a Service
This example sets the SystemEDGE Log level in the service, Enterprise\DataCenter\MyNewService.
ism-setSysEdgeLogLevel -servicename Enterprise\DataCenter\MyNewService -level info
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