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ism-copyPolicy Command--Copy a Policy (Funclet)

The ism-copyPolicy command creates a policy by copying from an existing policy.

This command has the following format:

ism-copyPolicy -policyName policy_name 
-policyType policy_type 
-policyVersion [policy_version] 
-newName new_policy_name
-policyName policy_name

Specifies the policy name to apply.

-policyType policy_type

Specifies the policy type.

-hostName host_name

Specifies the name of the host computer.

-policyVersion policy_version

(Optional) Specifies the version of the policy to apply.

Default: Null

-newName new_policy_name

Defines the name of the copied policy.

Example: Copy a Policy

The following example creates a policy, test1ver1 using the existing default policy.

ism-copyPolicy -policyName default -policyType SystemEDGE -policyVersion 1 -newName test1ver1