Active Directory and LDAP Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
General error. For more information, refer to any of the following error logs:
2 |
The ldap.jar file may not be installed correctly. Check the target system to ensure that the file exists in the jre/lib/ext directory. If it does not, copy the file to that directory. |
3 |
The domain may be incorrect. Verify that you specified the correct domain for the LDAP server you are testing. You can specify a different domain on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to LDAP Tests. |
4 |
Login failure. Verify that you specified a valid user name and password for the LDAP server you are testing. You can specify a different user name and password on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to LDAP Tests. |
5 |
The query produced no results. This error may result if you entered an invalid query or if the query does not match any content on the LDAP server. You can specify a different query on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to LDAP Tests. |
Custom Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
Error executing the custom script. Verify that the script exists in the directory you specified on the Modify Test page. You can change the script name and destination on this page, if necessary. For more information, refer to Using Custom Scripts. |
2 |
The custom script returned a bad exit code. This error may indicate that the script does not conform to the guidelines for writing a custom script. Update the script, if necessary. |
3 |
The custom script printed malformed output. This error may indicate that the script does not conform to the guidelines for writing a custom script. Update the script, if necessary. |
4 |
The custom script did not print any output. This error may indicate that the script does not conform to the guidelines for writing a custom script. Update the script, if necessary. |
5 |
An error occurred while reading from the I/O stream. This error may result from system configuration problems. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
DHCP Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
General error. For more information, refer to any of the following error logs:
2 |
Cannot bind to a socket. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
3 |
Socket timeout on receive. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
DNS Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
An error occurred while sending the query. Check the network settings and availability for the target system. |
2 |
An error occurred while receiving the response. Check the network settings and availability for the target system. |
3 |
The server indicated that the query was invalid. |
4 |
The server indicated a server error. This error indicates that SRM was able to contact the target system, but that system is experiencing errors. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
5 |
The server indicated that the host was not found. This error indicates that SRM was able to contact the target system, but that system is experiencing errors. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
File I/O Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
General error. For more information, refer to any of the following error logs:
2 |
Access to the local file is denied. This error indicates that the user name and password you are using may not have the correct permissions. You can specify a different user name and password on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to File I/O Tests. |
3 |
Access to the remote file is denied. This error indicates that the user name and password you are using may not have the correct permissions. You can specify a different user name and password on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to File I/O Tests. |
4 |
Local file is not found. |
5 |
Remote file is not found. |
6 |
The path argument points to the file in the local directory. The source file should be in a local directory, and the destination file should be on a remote file system. You can change the source and destination file names on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to File I/O Tests. |
7 |
Read of local file failed. The source file true if and only if the file specified by this abstract pathname exists and can be read by the application; false otherwise |
8 |
Read of remote file failed. |
9 |
Creation of remote file failed. |
10 |
Write to remote file failed. |
11 |
invalid or no output from external command. |
12 |
Delete of remote file failed. |
13 |
File Comparison failed. |
14 |
Failed to execute file_io_helper.jar. |
15 |
Failed to write a log msg. |
FTP Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
421 |
Service not available; closing control connection. (The service may respond to any command by closing a connection if it knows that it must shut down.) This error indicates that SRM was able to contact the target system, but that system is experiencing errors. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
425 |
Cannot open data connection. This error indicates that SRM was able to contact the target system, but that system is experiencing errors. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
426 |
Connection closed; transfer aborted. This error indicates that SRM was able to contact the target system, but that system is experiencing errors. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
450 |
Requested file action not taken. File unavailable. This error may indicate that the file is in use or is not in the expected location. Verify that the file you are testing exists and is not in use. |
451 |
Requested action aborted. Local error in processing. This error indicates that SRM was able to contact the target system, but that system is experiencing errors. Check the system configuration settings on the target system. |
452 |
Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system. This error indicates that you may need to add more disk space to the FTP server. |
500 |
Syntax error. Command unrecognized. You may receive this error if the command line is too long or you are running non-standard FTP software. |
501 |
Syntax error in parameters or arguments. You may receive this error if you are running a non-standard FTP software. |
502 |
Command not implemented. You may receive this error if you are running a non- standard FTP software. |
503 |
Bad sequence of commands. You may receive this error if you are running a non-standard FTP software. |
504 |
Command not implemented for that parameter. You may receive this error if you are running a non-standard FTP software. |
530 |
User not logged in. Verify that you are using a valid user name and password to perform FTP operations. You can specify a different user name and password on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to FTP Tests. |
532 |
Need account for storing files. Verify that the user account you are using for the test can store files on the FTP server. |
550 |
Requested action not taken. File unavailable. You may receive this error if the file was not found, or if the service has no access to the file. |
552 |
Requested file action aborted. Storage allocation exceeded. Verify that your FTP server has enough storage space for the action you are attempting to perform. |
553 |
Requested action not taken. Illegal file name. Verify that the file you are using the correct file name for the FTP operation that you are attempting to perform. |
HTTP/HTTPS Test Error Codes
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
The specified URL is invalid. You can specify a different URL on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to HTTP Tests or HTTPS Tests. |
2 |
The URL has an incorrect protocol: it uses http:// instead of https://. You can specify a different URL on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to HTTPS Tests. |
3 |
An error occurred while sending the request. This error may indicate that you are using a non-standard HTTP server that SRM does not support. |
4 |
An error occurred while reading the HTTP status code. This error may indicate that you are using a non-standard HTTP server that SRM does not support. |
5 |
An error occurred while retrieving the HTTP headers. This error may indicate that you are using a non-standard HTTP server that SRM does not support. |
6 |
An error occurred while retrieving the HTTP content. This error may indicate that you are using a non-standard HTTP server that SRM does not support. |
7 |
An error occurred while parsing the document. This error may indicate that you are using a non-standard HTTP server that SRM does not support. |
8 |
An invalid maximum depth was specified. You can specify a different depth on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to HTTP Tests or HTTPS Tests. |
20 |
The host was not found when following a link. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
21 |
The protocol was invalid when following a link. This error indicates a problem on the Web page you are testing. |
400 |
Bad request. This error indicates a problem on the HTTP page you are testing. |
401 |
Unauthorized. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
402 |
Payment required. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
403 |
Forbidden. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
404 |
Not found. This error indicates that the Web page or content you were requesting does not exist in the location that you are looking for it. This error may result from a problem with the Web page you are testing or from an incorrect URL. You can specify a different URL on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to HTTP Tests or HTTPS Tests. |
405 |
Method not allowed. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
406 |
Not acceptable. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
407 |
Proxy authentication required. This error may indicate that the proxy user name or password that you supplied is not correct. Verify that you are using a valid account. You can specify a different user name and password for the proxy server on the Modify Test page. For more information, refer to HTTP Tests or HTTPS Tests. |
408 |
Request timed out. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
409 |
Conflict. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
410 |
Gone. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
411 |
Length required. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
412 |
Precondition failed. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
413 |
Request entity too large. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
414 |
Request URL too large. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
415 |
Unsupported media type. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
500 |
Server error. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
501 |
Not implemented. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
502 |
Bad gateway. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
503 |
Out of resources. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
504 |
Gateway timeout. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
505 |
HTTP version not supported. This error indicates a problem on the site you are testing. |
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