You can install SystemEDGE and AIMs on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, or Windows systems from the CA Virtual Assurance Manager through Remote Deployment.
To deploy agents to systems, create a deployment job. Deployment jobs contain the details that are required for CA Virtual Assurance to deliver the deployment packages to the appropriate systems at the appropriate time.
Follow these steps:
The Deployment pane displays the Packages, Templates, and Jobs.
The Jobs Setup page appears.
The Package Selection page appears.
The Package Wrapper Details dialog appears and lets you edit the package properties in-line. If the package wrappers are in an incomplete or invalid state, and the fields can be modified through in-line editing.
The Machine Selection page appears.
The Machines Selected page appears.
Note: Deployment to Windows target systems using domain credentials must be in the form of DOMAIN\username.
The Advanced page appears.
Starts the job immediately after creating new deployment job. The immediate delivery is the default option.
Delivers the packages over a specific time period.
Schedules the deployment for a specific time in the future.
The Summary page appears.
The deployment job is created.
Note: You can save the job as a template after you create it. A template saves the package and machine selections so that you can easily reuse them for subsequent jobs.
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