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CA Hyper-V CLI Commands

Use the CLI to script and automate CA Hyper-V commands and run actions based on the command results. Corresponding commands are also available in the AutoShell.

More Information

dpmhyperv GetJobState Command--Get the State of a Job

dpmhyperv GetJobErrorInfo Command--Get the Error Information of a Job

dpmhyperv GetJobInfo Command--Get Information of a Job

dpmhyperv GetHostSwitches Command--Get Switches of a Host

dpmhyperv SetClustered Command--Add or Remove a VM from a Cluster

dpmhyperv GetVersion Command--Get the PMM Version

dpmhyperv ValidateServerAccess Command--Check Server Access

dpmhyperv ValidateAgentSNMPAccess Command--Validate SNMP Access to an Agent

dpmhyperv AgentGet Command--Return an Agent Value

dpmhyperv AgentSet Command--Set an Agent Value

dpmhyperv ShowClusterSharedVolumes Command--Show all Cluster Shared Volumes

dpmhyperv GetVMProperties Command--Get VM Properties

dpmhyperv GetVMState Command--Get a VM State

dpmhyperv ShowVirtFloppy Command--Show the List of Virtual Floppy Drives

dpmhyperv ShowVMSCSIControllers Command--Show all SCSI Controllers

dpmhyperv ShowVMDisks Command--Show all Virtual Disks

dpmhyperv ShowTemplates Command--Show all VM Templates

dpmhyperv ShowVMs Command--Show all VMs

dpmhyperv GetServerInfo Command--Get the List of Managed Servers

dpmhyperv CreateVM Command--Create a New VM

dpmhyperv CreateVirtFloppy Command--Create a Virtual Floppy Disk Image

dpmhyperv CreateTemplateFromVM Command--Create a Template from a VM

dpmhyperv CreateVMFromTemplate Command--Create a VM from a Template

dpmhyperv SetSysPrepProperties Command--Sets Sysprep Properties

dpmhyperv CreateVirtDisk Command--Create a Virtual Disk Image

dpmhyperv ExpandVirtDisk Command--Expand the Size of a Virtual Disk

dpmhyperv ImportVM Command--Import a VM

dpmhyperv ImportVMEx Command--Copy and Import a VM

dpmhyperv ChangeVMState Command--Change the State of a VM

dpmhyperv DeleteVM Command--Delete a VM

dpmhyperv ExportVM Command--Export a VM

dpmhyperv ExportVMEx Command--Export a VM

dpmhyperv SetVMProperties Command--Set Properties of a VM

dpmhyperv AddVMNic Command--Add a Network Adapter Controller to a VM

dpmhyperv SetVMVirtFloppy Command--Assign a Virtual Floppy Image to a VM Floppy Drive

dpmhyperv SetVMDisk Command--Assign a Drive or Disk to a Drive Controller

dpmhyperv AddVMSCSIController Command--Create a SCSI Controller for a VM

dpmhyperv ShowVMNics Command--Show all Network Interface Cards

dpmhyperv ShowDirectories Command--Show Directory Properties on a Hyper-V Server

dpmhyperv ShowLogicalDisks Command--Show all Logical Disks

dpmhyperv ShowSCVMMHardwareProfiles Command--Show all SCVMM Hardware Profiles

dpmhyperv ShowSCVMMGuestOSProfiles Command--Show Guest Operating System Profiles

dpmhyperv ShowPhysDisks Command--Show Physical Disks of a Host

dpmhyperv DeleteTemplate Command--Deletes a Template

dpmhyperv CreateVMFromTemplate Command--Create a VM from a SCVMM Server Template