The Performance Metrics Group supplies a counter which is incremented whenever the scheduled tests did not complete in the allotted time. Another counter measures how many times the tests have run. Tracking these counters over time would provide a good indication whether the SRM configuration needs to be adjusted. Performance metrics supply real-time performance information about the functionality of the SRM AIM. You can monitor the health of the SRM AIM, either manually or through SystemEDGE. You can tune the configuration information to get the best response from SRM.
Specifies an enumerated integer (1 = ok , 2 = reset) allowing the end user to reset ALL performance counters for this AIM. When a reset (2) is set, all counters are set to zero (0) and this entry is set back to ok (1).
Indicates the total number of execution intervals completed since the AIM was started or the counters reset.
Indicates the total number of execution intervadls that have been late since the AIM was started or the counters reset.
Indicates the number of last successive intervals that were delayed. This should be 1 or 0, a number greater than 1 signifies systematic delays. svcRspPrfConsLate will be incremented with the difference between the current value of late_exec_runs and the one read at the previous SystemEDGE interval (maximum 1), and reset to 0 on the first update on which the difference is 0.
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