The following hardware is required to implement distributed and nondistributed CA Virtual Assurance component implementations.
Note: The CPU requirements also apply to client desktops/workstations running the CA Virtual Assurance web browser-based UI.
Note: In addition, the Performance Chart data collection can require up to 3.5 GB of disk space and 2 GB of RAM on the manager, depending on the number of machines and metrics being monitored.
Note: The disk space for the drive holding the databases is required wherever you have configured Microsoft SQL Server to store the databases for this product. The drive can be anywhere: on the same drive that is used for the product installation, on a different drive, or on a different system. If the drive is on the same drive as the product installation, the required free disk space is the sum of the two values. The product databases grow in size depending on the product usage, potentially consuming 30 GB or more, depending on the maintenance that is being done.
Important! If you install CA Virtual Assurance with other CA products, consider the combined impact and adjust the hardware specifications accordingly. For example, if you install CA Virtual Assurance (4-GB RAM) and CA Service Desk Manager (3-GB RAM) on one server, use a server with minimum 7-GB RAM. Review integration product Release Notes on the CA Support Online website:
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