Previous Topic: Resource Mapping

Next Topic: Configure HTTP Transport Guarantees for Web Application Resources

Web Application Resources

To protect a WebSphere Web container (URI-based) resource, the SiteMinder resource must specify the following parameters (in the order shown):


Context-path of the web application servicing this URI.

Example: /sm/mywebapp


The relative path to the resource requested.

Multiple path elements must be treated as separate slash(/)-delimited parameters.

Example: /foo/bar/my.jsp?a=b

For example, for a server application with the following properties:

contextPath=/sm/mywebapp, resourcePath=/foo/bar/my.jsp?a=b

The complete resource mapping (effective resource) would be:


Note: If you configure the top-level resource as protected (omitting the URI parameter when configuring the resource filter), WebSphere assumes that you also want to protect the transport for that web application. The application and all its resources are therefore only available over HTTPS.

More information:

Create Realms for Challenged Requests