Previous Topic: File

Next Topic: Fine-Tune the Agent Configuration Setup


Generally, you must only edit the file to change SiteMinder Agent logging options or if you change the names or locations of your configured Agent configuration files. For example, if you are using a shared Agent configuration file.

In clustered and SSO WebSphere environments, the file is replicated on many systems. However, the SiteMinder Agent migh not be installed in the same file system location. The Agent configuration file locations specified in might not therefore be correct for all systems in such an environment.

To handle this situation, you can define a JVM system property, smasa.home, which defines the installed location of the SiteMinder Agent on the local host and then edit to remove absolute paths to the Agent configuration files. Where the absolute path is absent, the SiteMinder Agent uses the value of smasa.home to determine where to find the configuration files.

For example, change the first line to resemble the second line:


To set the smasa.home JVM system property (on each WebSphere server in the cluster or SSO environment)

  1. Open the WebSphere administrative console.
  2. Click the following, in the order shown:

    Servers, Application Server, server1, Java and Process Management, Process Definition, Java virtual machine, Additional Properties, Custom Properties.

  3. Create a new variable in Custom Properties named smasa.home and specify its value as ASA_HOME. For example, in Windows enter:
  4. Save the changes in master configuration file and restart the server.
  5. Check Systemout.log file for the server instance.