Previous Topic: Register a Trusted Host on Windows

Next Topic: smreghost Command Arguments

Register a Trusted Host on UNIX

To register or reregister a trusted host on UNIX use the Registration Tool, smreghost. This tool is installed when you install an Agent on a trusted host, and is located in the directory ASA_HOME/bin.

Note: When reregistering a host with the same name using smreghost, first remove the host from the Administrative UI unless you use the smreghost command argument, -o, which lets you overwrite an existing trusted host without having to delete it from the Policy Server.

To run smreghost to register or reregister a host on UNIX

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Verify that the library path environment variable contains the path to the SiteMinder Agent bin directory by entering the following two commands:
    export library_path_variable 

    where library_path_variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Solaris and Linux and is SHLIB_PATH for HP-UX.

    Example: setting the library path

    To set the library path for Solaris systems, enter the following two commands:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
  3. Enter the smreghost command using at least the following required arguments:
    smreghost -i policy_server_IP_address:port  
              -u administrator_username -p Administrator_password  
              -hn hostname_for_registration -hc host_configuration_ object 

    The smreghost also takes a number of optional requirements not shown here. For a complete list of smreghost arguments, see smreghost Command Arguments.

    Note: There must be a space between each command argument and its value.

More information:

smreghost Command Arguments