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View SiteMinder Reports

On the Reports tab in the Administrative UI, you can view any SiteMinder report whose status is Complete. If the status is Failed, you can view the status details.

To view SiteMinder reports

  1. Click Reports, General, View SiteMinder Reports.

    The SiteMinder Report Search pane appears.

  2. Click the radio button for the report you want to view. Note that the Status field must indicate that the report has completed.
  3. Click Select.

    The report is displayed on the screen.

  4. (Optional) Click the file icon if you want to save the report to a file. Select the output file format from the drop-down list.
  5. (Optional) Click the printer icon to print the report.
  6. (Optional) You can page through the report or enter a search string.
  7. Click Close when you are finished viewing the report.

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