If you have URIs that you do not want to protect with SiteMinder, you can direct the Web Agent to ignore and allow un-restricted access to those URIs by setting the following parameter:
Specifies a URI within a URL that will not be protected. Users attempting to access the resource associated with the URI will not be challenged. The Web Agent ignores the URI portion of the string after three forward slashes. For example, if you set this parameter to the following value:
The Web Agent ignores the following URI:
The Web Agent ignores the specified URI wherever it occurs, even if it is under a different domain. For example, the Web Agent ignores the URI shown previously in all of the following URLs:
http://www.example.com/directory http://www.example.net/directory http://www.example.org/directory
Note: This value is case-sensitive.
Default: No default.
Example: (multiple URIs in local configuration file)
Example: (using a URI only, without specifying a domain)
To allow un-restricted access to URIs, do either of the following tasks:
Resources using the specified URIs are ignored by the Web Agent and access to those resources is granted automatically.
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